bespoke projects when volunteering abroad for over 50s
volunteering abroad for over 50s in Africa and Asia
We have a project for you!
We can create a project for you!
and / or
live in a local community adding value and growing.
Whether you are volunteering in your 50s, 60s, or 70s, we can place each of you in one of our projects, in each of the countries we work in.
Given your life experience and skills, we can tailor projects for you, and given our contacts, we can create projects for you too.
trades people
health professionals
social workers, psychologists, youth workers, adminstrtors etc.
volunteering for seniors abroad
That is me in the banner photo, Paul, in my 50s, (doing a Stan Lee). I’m a qualified teacher, experienced manager, and want to see, know, and contribute to the lives of others and make the world a better place. Like you, I wnat to add value.
I came to Sri Lanka on business, and by request, ended up volunteer teaching, and getting involved with villages, and I realised just what a major asset volunteering is to the developing world, and how they rely on it for skills, as well as funding for their projects’ development and makes the difference between making progress and not making progress.

Special prices, food, and accommodation for senior volunteering
Free volunteering abroad for over 50s, and is as unpredictably organised and managed as it is for young people. When volunteering abroad for seniors, volunteering abroad for over 60s, and over 50s, you expect predicatbility, organisation, and good management. We knwo the necssity of these things, and our local partner are there to ensure that evrything us set up for you before yo arrive, and what is on track, remains on track - with only a delays, not derailments.
We know that other than that our senior volunteers are happy to manage their own placements, and their time. Therfore we discuss with you what you would like to do before arranging a price, and contin ue to ensure that what you are doing you wish to continue with. In kenya, for example, you could move around the country volunteering or, you may like one place so much you wnat to staty there longer.
Should you wish to take advantage of the food and accomodation options provided with the project, you may, or, you may wish to find your own accommodation, and arrange your own food.
Our volunteering lasts from 7 days - 12 weeks - 52 weeks
Our charges include our management, local management, insurances, and support. Where you wish to use our accommodtaion and food options (the most reasonably priced, and involved with the people) you may.